Dave & Carrie Scott

 In British Columbia, Canada, Member Profiles, Thinking of Moving to Vallarta

Status: Couple
Employed or Retired:  Semi-retired
Where are you living now / where are you from:  Currently living in Playa del Carmen. From Vancouver, BC
Timeframe for a move:  Not sure. Will visit in the next month to look around
Where else are you considering:  Nowhere
Why Vallarta:  Hoping our business will be more successful there and it appears cost of living is a little lower (in case business isn’t better 🙂 )
How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you:  We will be trying to discover the best locations to live, best way and place to do business, looking for long term rentals and generally picking the ‘experts’ brains about everything. Mostly looking for advice from the folks that have been there and done that.

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