Elizabeth Moser & Paul Oraze

 In Member Profiles, Thinking of Moving to Vallarta, US, Washington, Where We are From

Status: Couple

Employed or Retired: Employed

Where are you living now / where are you from: Washington

Timeframe for a move: 12 years

Why Vallarta: Populated area and lots of ExPats

How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you: Any information about living there that newbies need to know would be helpful

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  • DennisCHP

    Great place to live. Have been here 11 years. So much information that I have it would be better if you just asked pointed questions. I am a retired California Highway Patrolman from the SF Bay Area. We are now missionaries teaching English to an orphanage, a Boys Home run by DIF (Social Services) and also teach at a high school in a fishing village south of town. We have so many theater & restaurant activities here for ExPats it is like living in San Francisco or NY. The people here are so friendly and it is very safe here as compared to the USA.

    Dennis & Faye
    322-113-0205 Home