Frank K. & Conchita Meyer

 In Amapas & Conchas Chinas, California, Living in Vallarta, Member Profiles, US, Where We are From, Where We Live

Frank K. & Conchita Meyer

Status: Family

Employed or Retired: Employed

Where did you live previously: Born and raised in New York City, the USAF moved me to California in 1951. I spent most of my early adult life at USC finally graduating from Dental School in 1961. Moved to Palm Springs for the next 20 years, having fun buying and selling real estate including 2 hotels and a Casino in Nevada, in addition to practicing Dentistry. I wound up in Puerto Vallarta in 1990 after exchanging a 22 unit plus hotel for my Casa Pacifica in Conchas Chinas. During the next 22 years I really enjoyed my life here which got much better after I met my now wife, Conchita

What part of town do you live in: Conchas Chinas

Why did you decide to move to Vallarta: God decided for me

What other places did you consider: I never thought that I would leave Palm Springs

What are the top (3) things you have learned that you think might help someone moving to Vallarta now:

  • This is Paradise on Earth
  • The local Mexican people are the friendliest I have ever met in my long life. So are the Expats
  • Great climate year round


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