Ron & Helene Tremper

 In Member Profiles, Texas, Thinking of Moving to Vallarta, US, Where We are From

Status: Couple

Ron & Helene TremperEmployed or Retired:  Retired

Where are you living now / where are you from:  Currently in Boerne, Texas. I was born in California and spent 42 years there. Helene is from France.

Timeframe for a move:  Hopefully by March 2018

Where else are you considering:  Only considering PV after studying all our options and needs.

Why Vallarta:  Easy access to USA, weather, near the see, nature and affordable. Have always enjoyed the Mexican people and their culture.

How can ExPats in Vallarta assist you:  We’re coming for a week April 14-21st to relax, check everything out and would like to spend an hour or so with a couple experienced with PV living.

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  • DennisCHP

    Been here full time 13+ years. Born & raised in northern Calif. Never would return to the USA to live. We have everything here. Costco, Home Depot, 8 Starbucks, 2 Walmarts, Sams Club, Kentucky Fried Chicken and more great restaurants than SF and great prices. E-mail me with your questions. I am a retired California Highway Patrolman and it is safer here than most cities in the USA. FSTPHOEN@ JUNO.COM OR